Primo 3.4 Online*
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Primo Pro
Standard PCR, reduces primer dimer and random primering. Batch mode. |
Primo Multiplex
Multipe PCR in one tube. Reduces dimers and random primering. |
Primo Degenerate
Degenerate primers based on single protein, or multiple alignments of proteins or nucleotides |
Primo Diverse
Single pair of primers to amplify regions that are most diverse in a gene family |
Primo Unique
Multiple primer pairs, each uniquely amplify one gene in a family |
Primo MSP
Methylation-specific PCR and bisulphite sequencing primers |
Primo Profile
Design degenerate primers to profile large number of genes |
Primo Random
Generates random primers for RAPD, AP-PCR, and RAP-PCR.
Primo Optimum
Design primers for optimizing gene expression. Gene synthesis. |
Primo HighLow For templates with high/low GC, or repeats, or long templates.
Primo Melt
Denaturing/Temperature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE/TGGE) primers |
Primo Oligo
Calculator for making primer stocks and dilutions.
Primo Sequencing
Primer design for DNA sequencing. |
Primo In Vitro
Oligo / Primer design for in vitro transcript / translation.
Primo SiteD
Primer design for site-directed mutagenesis. |
Primo DOP
Primer design for DOP-PCR.
Primo Inverse
Primer design for inverse PCR to clone flanking sequences. |
Primo SNP
Primer design for SNP PCR, SBR, pyrosequencing, AS-PCR, LCR, PCR-RFLP .
Primo Find
Locate primer/oligo on DNA sequences. |
Primo CyNew
Cy3/Cy5 labeling of probe DNA. |
PCR Glossary Brief introduction to PCR technologies.
Molecular Biology Glossary Brief introduction to molecular biology technologies.
*Online versions may have limited functions and may not support certain
web browsers. Internet Explorer is preferred and Mac OSX users may experience problems (If having problems, switch to the classical environment for Primo online). Stand-alone versions, which are not dependent on web browsers, are always suggested.
*Tell us what you think. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated.
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