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| Molecule AMINOACYL-tRNA SYNTHETASES DATABASE APC APC and p53 database ATPase P-type Actin - Myosin Adenylyl cyclase Adenylyl cyclase Antibiotics ( Japan ) Database of novel antibiotics BRENDA ( Cologne U ) The comprehensive enzyme information system Brenner Lab ( Dartmouth ) histidine triad hydrolases Chaperonin Chemical Backgrounders ( National Safety Council ) Profiles of more than 80 chemicals Cytokine Signaling Pathway Database ( Kumamoto University ) Information on signaling pathways of cytokines, ligands, receptors, kinases, and relational map. Dystrophin-associated Glycoprotein Dystrophin-associated Glycoprotein Complex (DGC)information, protocols,and diseases Enzyme nomenclature database ( ExPASy ) Repository of information relative to the nomenclature of enzymes. Fibronectin Fibronectin, an Extracellular Adhesion Molecule GABA receptors Gelfand Lab ( Urbana-Champaign ) motor proteins Green fluorescent protein ( Yale ) A marker protein frequently used for marking gene expression. Hemoglobin ( Pennsylvania State ) provides data and tools for studying the function of DNA sequences, with an emphasis on those involved in the production of hemoglobin HotMolecBase ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) A database of hot molecules --- factors that seem to play a crucial role in common diseases. Lead ( Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center ) Lead and public health tragedy Lectin ( U Copenhagen ) Gateway to lectins MHC peptide database Matrix Dynamics ( Canadian IHR ) matrix proteins in health and disease Microtubule Interaction Site Molecule of the month: Bristol U Molecule of the month: Imperial College Molecule of the month: Prous Science Molecule of the month: Virginia Commonwealth U Myosin ( Cambridge ) Myosin, motility and biochemistry Nitric oxide ( St. George ) nitric oxide in diseases of pregnancy PhosphoBase Phosphoprotein database and 2D maps. Phosphoprotein Database Prion diseases ( Leicester U ) spongiform encephalopathies Proteasome Uniquitin, proteasome, and COP9 signalosome Protein Kinase Resource A web accessible compendium of information on the protein kinase family of enzymes. Include tools for structural and computational analyses as well as links to related information RNA Dr. Zuker's RNA folding site RNA comparative web site Comparative ribosomal RNA web site: structure models, nucleotide frequency and conservation, etc RNA editing Various types of RNA editing an links to other RNA sites RNA helicase ( U Geneva ) Yeast RNA helicase database RNA method forum Discussions of RNA methods RNA modification ( U Utah ) A comprehensive listing of post-transcriptionally modified nucleosides from RNA RNA world ( IMB Jena ) A comprehensive listing of RNA databases, tools, software, books and meetings. RNAseP RNAse P database of sequences, alignments, and structures Ribosomal structure Selfish gene shrine Serine proteases ( Washington U St Louis ) Serine protease sequence, mutation, evolution, and structure The RiboWeb Project ( Stanford ) Three-dimensional models of E. Coli 30 S and 16 S ribosomal subunits. The Wnt gene homepage ( Stanford ) A family of highly conserved secreted signaling molecules that regulate cell-to-cell interactions during embryogenesis. Ty5 ( Iowa State U ) yeast retrotransposon Ty5 p53 p53 database p53 database and software Human p53 database and software p53 et al. p53 database and mutation analysis p53 germline mutation Germline p53 mutation database p53 links A list of p53 related links p53 monoclonal antibodies List of p53 antibodies p53 somatic mutation p53 database of somatic mutations, germline mutations, and polymorphisms rRNA ( U Texas ) Comparative ribosomal RNA web site: structure models, nucleotide frequency and conservation, etc